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NPC Undead Flesh Faction Guide for the Realms of Mythodea LARP Universe

Cursed by the false gift of immortality, their souls cling to decaying bodies that wither with every step of time’s relentless march. They are the Undead Flesh. From the rise of the infamous King Garvan to the fall of their ancient capital, Ankor Mortis, and beyond, this captivating faction within the Realms of Mythodea LARP universe boasts a rich history, fascinating culture, and unforgettable aesthetic. 

The Undead Flesh NPC guide provides a comprehensive portrait of this fearsome faction. This guide serves as the perfect getaway for any prospective NPCs looking to join their ranks. You’ll quickly gain all the necessary info to look and act the part. It’s also a worthy read even if you’re already a part of the Undead Flesh and looking to brush up on your lore or want to know even more about the Realms of Mythodea. 

Download the Full Guide

For a detailed exploration of the Undead Flesh, including their history, lore, culture, and specific style guidelines, download the complete PDF guide below. 

NOTE: There will be some spoilers for players, so read at your own risk!


The English translation will be coming soon!

Historical Inspiration

The Undead Flesh are the denizens of an ancient kingdom that has embraced undeath, creating a unique and haunting society. Drawing stylistic inspiration from 12th and 13th century England, this faction blends medieval realism with fantastical elements. Imagine undead knights, soldiers, and peasants, all clad in dark, tattered clothing and rusty armor. The faction’s  undead nature adds a chilling layer of intrigue to its already fascinating lore.

Culture and Army Structure

The culture of the Undead Flesh is one of fanatical devotion to their undead state. Their society is meticulously structured, with a clear hierarchy that mirrors medieval feudal systems but is adapted to their undead condition. The army is battle-intensive, making this faction perfect for those who thrive on combat scenarios. From the lowest undead peasant to the highest undead knight, each member plays a crucial role in maintaining the faction’s fearsome reputation.

Style Guide

Clothing and Armor: To embody an NPC of the Undead Flesh, you must embrace the aesthetic of broken, layered clothing and weathered, rusty armor. Dark colors dominate the wardrobe, reflecting the somber and eerie atmosphere of the faction. Make-up is essential to complete the undead look, adding a ghastly pallor to your appearance.

Key Elements:

  • Dark, tattered clothing
  • Rusty armor
  • Broken layers for a worn-out look
  • Essential make-up to achieve an undead visage

How to Get Involved

For those interested in joining the Undead Flesh as an NPC, detailed information is available through various channels:

  • Email Inquiries:

We hope this guide helps you fully embrace your role within the Undead Flesh and enhances your experience in the Realms of Mythodea LARP universe. Dive into the history, don the garb, and step into the eerie world of the Undead Flesh