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Quarters, Camps, and more!

Here you can find information about the different quarter, factions and groups.


The camp of the army is subdivided into quarters, group, or theme camps. All camps are connected by a generous road network, which is used both as rescue routes and unloading zones, and in the game also serves as a neutral pathway between the areas. Thus, a division into Ingame and Outgame passages is (almost) no longer necessary, and the camp experience allows you to immerse yourself fully in the game. Many camps require applications, you can find the contact details below with the respective camp tabs on this page. If you don’t know where to camp or your application is not accepted, you can always stay in the “free camp”. Everywhere, the camps are beautifully and lovingly designed, to which you also contribute through your own campsite.

There are different types of camps: so-called Realms of Mythodea (RoM) themed camps for players or NPC factions, and Community Camps from the individual player groups themselves. You will learn what you need to consider for your stay there from the responsible supervisors (VBs) of the camps.

The allocation of space is based on the registration for a camps, a quarter and a group. 

If you are not sure which group you would like to register for, you can post in the ConQuest International Group on Facebook (

Themed Camps

The themed camps at the ConQuest always follow a certain genre and have their own flair.

Here you can expect extensive gameplay within the camp and links to the main plot. The designated playmaker factions of the themed camps will always provide drama and connections that you can participate in.

If you want to join one of the theme camps as a playmaker, please contact!
Details about the theme camps will be published in the near future.

The first two theme camps will be the Knights’ Union and the Crimson Company, more on this below.

The Banner of Knights

The banner is a union of knights (and their retinue) from all parts of the (LARP-) world, who together with the Atteronians live out the virtues of chivalry aside from high courting politics. At ConQuest, they set up their own camp in the style of King Arthur, including a round table, knightly oaths, exuberant celebrations and a lot of epic battles.
If you are interested, write an email to the coaches (

Crimson Company

The Crimson Company is a powerful trading organization in the game, comparable to the East India Trading Company. Like the Banner of Knights, the Company is a separate themed camp. The colloquial language in the camp is English and the focus is on providing international participants with as easy and deep an introduction to the Mythodea world and plot as possible. The Company’s camp offers special game opportunities for different character classes within an open structure. At the moment, you cannot camp there as an Player, but in future the Crimson Company – like the “Bund der Ritter” – will become an independent camp.
If you are interested, write an email to the coaches (

Quarters and Camps.

Here you will find information and descriptions of all quarters and camps.
New quarters are possible on request (from 50 people), please write to

Registration for a special camp, quarter and group will be possible f via
If you do not register for a specific quarter, we will automatically assign you to a quarter.

1) Log in to your account at
2) Now you can select the tickets individually under “Tickets” (dropdown menu top right), select one of the camps with “Pick Location” and confirm “Select”.  At “Details” you will find the camp description and the contact details of the camp orga. Please write to the camp orga (organizator) e.g. if your group is not on the list.

If you bought your tickets without an account at Skald: Register a new account at with the email address you used to buy the tickets, then the tickets will automatically go there. If you have any questions, just send an email to

Dog- and early arrival tickets can not be assigned.

Free Camp

In the Free Camp, we open our doors to all those who cannot find a place in the more specific camps or whose concept does not fit into a drawer. The Free Camp is the perfect place for anyone who can’t find a place in the traditional camps or who wants to stand out with a unique concept. Everyone is welcome here. We value diversity and dialogue and offer a space in which creativity and passion can flourish.
We also recommend the “Wayfarer’s Arrival” for beginners and newcomers

Wayfarer's Arrival

We are the newcomers, we are the others, our path is still hidden in darkness.

We are here to learn, we are here to help, to understand.

But how do we manage to learn, to help, to understand?

For this we need a community, diversity, openness and the will to get involved.

Every year ships from all over the world land on the shores of the atoll of the Maritime Traders Guild. Every year, their ships bring souls to Mitraspera in search of freedom, adventure, security or something entirely new. Many of them are inundated by the complexity and nature of things in this new world.

Five years ago, a group of Wayfarers answered the call of these souls. We founded the Wayfarer’s Arrival, where everyone new to this wondrous and foreign continent should feel at home and at ease. We had the dream to lay this world at the feet of newcomers, to show them, explain to them and learn to love them. We have dedicated ourselves to this goal ever since. But we know that we are only at the beginning of our journey. We only accompany the “child” on its first shaky steps to explore this world. Once you have learned what Mythodea has in store for you, we will let you go. You will make your own decisions, where they will take you we do not know, but we do know where they can begin.

Join the Wayfarer’s Arrival!

Become part of Mythodea.

Feste der Vielfalt / Fortress of Diversity

The fighters of the Fortress of Diversity have dedicated themselves above all to the fight against evil forces. This can be the physical fight on the battlefield as well as the fight using words, knowledge or other skills. As an army of volunteers, the fighters draw their strength from the diversity of their members, and so representatives from different peoples, seals and distant lands come together under the banner of the Fortress of Diversity. The roots of the Fortress lie in the former earth camp, whose avatar once sacrificed himself for the settlers!

Tradition, friendship and a conviction that together we can win the fight against the outlawed forces, unifies this quarter. Actions and mutual help count more than status and origin. Experienced alchemists, healers, craftsmen, traders, shamans, magicians and adventurers are at the side of the many men and women of this quarter who are fit for battle and who also shape the quarter of diversity with their skills. And everyone is welcome in this community who appreciates the community and diversity of the Fortress and wants to contribute something to the fight against evil.

“For the Fortress – for diversity!

Get in touch!

Contact address:
Facebook-Group Feste der Vielfalt.

The Realm of Roses

In the Quarter of Roses the inhabitants and friends of the Realm of Roses gather under the Court of Roses and Thorns. The concept of the Realm is very plot- and background oriented. The realm forges a path that proves that reason and adherence to the elements need not be mutually exclusive. Besides a good relationship to the elemental peoples, concepts like art, culture, diversity and personal responsibility are important to the Kingdom of Roses. The quarter offers a high standard of ambience, high play-density and various communal spaces, which allow even newcomers a deeper insight into the Mythodea campaign! We also place great emphasis on bilinguality in English and German!

To get a ticket for the Quarter of Roses, please contact the Reich-Der-Rosen-Orga in advance, hear from you soon!

Porto Leonis

Porto Leonis

In the year 15 after the discovery of Mitraspera, proclaimed by the Council of the First, the city is a great melting pot of different ways of life and ideas, which unite one thing. The desire to live in Mitraspera and escape the system of estates of the old homeland. Originally emerging from the banner of the explorers, they have discarded their feudal structures and placed themselves in the chorus of the voices of the land.

At the head of Porto Leonis is the Council of the First, which rules over the city state. Through them, guilds are recognized and the Council of the Wise are appointed at the same time. Porto Leonis does not have an archon or a nyame, but it seeks to join forces with them while maintaining its own identity. The citizens of the city are aware of the nature of the world and respect it, but the principle is just as important to them: reputation through achievement.

We value a high standard of ambience, good role play and identification with our game. Friendship and honesty are held in high regard, and trust grows through the fulfillment of tasks. We would like to offer especially the less powerful players, all the craftsmen, philosophers and artists, who work in and on Mythodea between the big events, an opportunity for exchange and recognition.

The following game contents form cornerstones of our game:-Medieval, fantasy city gameplay
-Within the city feudal systems and arrogance are rejected
-“LARP with!”
-Atmospheric representation – Dramatic and emotional gameplay.
-Newcomers and interested parties are always welcome. No matter if on or between events, IT or OT, beginner or veterans.

And, is your desire kindled? Get in touch!

The Awakening

The Awakening

A faint whisper is heard all over Mithraspera; the promise of a new era. Settlers are leaving home and hearth, counts and barons laying off their titles, soldiers leaving their armies – all to join the Diaspora of Gawrok Trollfells who wanders the valleys and streams endlessly and calls all of Mithraspera is home.
“Do not lose sight of yourself, for if you do not know yourself you will not know the true enemy!
For too long intrigue and in-fighting for rank, title and land have clouded our eyes and we have lost sight of the true danger facing us. Let us stand as one.” Spreading this message of unity the awakening travels the land helping where needed with a freedom bound only by the horizon.
We are true adventurers. A colourful mix of peoples of every rank and creed be it warriors, merchants, mercenaries, Bards, whores, nobles, peasants and beggars – as one – sitting together at a table. Whether in war or peace, we are wherever we are needed. We are nobody’s king and nobody’s servant.
We are the awakening!

We are a versatile, closely knit ward, with a lot of atmosphere and a broad range of opportunities to join the plot. We facilitate very active play within the camp as well as the battlefield but also have a strong group of players solving plots. We welcome all active players and groups and are happy to involve interested beginners. To gain entry into this ward you or a representative of your group needs to register with the ward organizer at

The Family Quarter

Some camps are family-oriented, though with the family camp it is already in the name!

The family quarter offers all Mythodea fans with children the opportunity to enjoy the ConQuest even more stress-free. Short distance to the sanitary facilities guaranteed!

Here you will also find gameplay with and for your little ones.

Attached to the family camp is also the youth camp.

The Märkisch Alliance

Originally a free mercenary society, proclaimed as Freyenmark 11 years after the discovery of Mitraspera by the poet Sturmhart Eisenkeil, recognized as an independent region 2 years later and finally renamed another 3 years later as Märkisch Alliance.

Today it is a big melting pot of different ways of life and ideas without ever forgetting where it once came from and what its true core value is: To be there for one another.

Because the Märkers know that all titles and offices are only meaningful if they truly serve the community.

Today, the Märkisch Alliance always provides a reliable contingent for the elements on the battlefields. As instructed in the recognition by the Avatar of Magic 13 years after the discovery of Mitraspera, he, the Avatar of Magic, it seeks advice and solidarity with the archons and nyamen. For the Märkers people know about the nature of the world and respect it.

The council community has elected five ministers from its ranks, who divide the concerns of the Märkisch Alliance among themselves and help shape the fate of the alliance.

The Märker have grown together in mutual respect to form an impressive community, which has recognized its responsibility for the world and is determined to carry it out with heart and sword.

If you would like to camp with us on the summer campaign within the quarter of the Märkisch Alliance, please contact

You can find more information about the Märkisch Alliance at or in the Facebook group “Märkischer Bund”.

The Sailors' Quarter

For some years now, sailors, pirates and other “water rats” who sail the waters of Mythodea have been gathering in this district.

Captains and sailors meet here in the dark corners. No one knows what the captains of the brotherhood, as wild as the sea and as unpredictable as the storm, will concoct next.


A pact of equals, whether Iron or Silver, all blades always point to the same direction.

A pact of free men, wild in spirit, true to the cause and steadfast to their word.

A pact of faith, where, in addition to the elements, the gods have their place by our side.

A pact of blood that unites and strengthens us. Born of blood and created to spill the blood of our enemies.

This is: The Bloodpact


Askalon, one of the newly founded cities in the bay of Heliosos. Built near the ancient fortress Paraij. The Askalonians are aware of their proud heritage. Although they basically believe in the elements of Mythodea, any other belief is tolerated as long as it does not contradict the life and first creation of Mythodea. Thus, elementalist settlers live here alongside believers in the gods from the Midlands and other areas of the primeval creation. Everyone is welcome here, as long as they do not cooperate with the ostracized forces of Mitraspera or pact to their advantage.

Askalon has room for everyone, regardless of faith, ancestry and profession. Orders of knights with their mighty bulwarks stop advancing enemies in the first ring of fortresses, farmers cultivate the vast areas outside the walls of Askalon, while the city’s port gives sailors the opportunity to trade or bring in the fruits of the sea. But also with its academy and the attached libraries, many knowledge seekers find themselves again and again in the city.

If you are interested in Askalon, get in touch and send us your application, we are looking forward to you!

Viribus Unitis

To gain access to this area, you must first register with the Mythodea Northern Orga: Nördliches Siegel – Forum. You can also find information on the Viribus Unitis Homepage

The camp is bound by the will to protect their homeland. They have realized that only the unity of all elemental heroes can lead to this goal. Camaraderie, a sense of duty and reason are the values that bind this camp together and lead to the success of a campaign. The efforts and sacrifices of this camp were appreciated even by the elements. Especially the blessing of Magica, the unifying element, was both a reward and confirmation. Thus, even beyond the Forge of the Worlds they fought united and strong against the armies of doubt!

Sturmwächter / Stormwardens

“No longer settlers – no – the new guardians of the land shall be the followers of Aeris!”


These were the words of the Crystalthrone of the Naldar as she proclaimed the will of the elements in front of the deceased Avatar. With that, Beorn Ragnarson, Master of the Order of the Taurus Iuvavi, founded  the “Sturmwächter” / “Stormwardens” who aim to follow the path according to the virtues of Aeris.

Freedom, inspiration, hunt, drive, change – Those who seek to follow Aeris must internalize these virtues.


Freedom – The highest good, as nothing stops the wind. Be it your own freedom or that of others, be it the freedom of your body or your mind: it must be protected.


Inspiration – Be it an action, a song or just a word: we inspire! Where others are stuck in their actions, we are the ones who show new ways.


Hunt – We are hunters! Hunt your prey if it is a worthy one. Be it an enemy, be it knowledge, be it food: every hunt is important and every prey is glorious.


Drive – Just as the wind never stands still, so do we. Even though we may be calm at times, it may just be the calm before the storm.


Change – Sometimes we are as gentle as the wind in spring, sometimes we channel the cold winter storm. Sometimes we celebrate, sometimes we fight. We create, we destroy, we change. Both the pen and the sword are familiar to us.


“Sturmwächter” / “Stormwardens” in summary:

Camp themed around Aeris / Aeris Shrine – Plothunt in small groups – Headquarter/Knowledge exchange – Skirmish battles – Newcomers and veteran LARPers welcome


Further information in the forum:

The Sturmwächter Discord Server:


Ad Astra

A traveler once said about Ad Astra

“If you do not know where to go, if a mystery seems unsolvable, if the longing for knowledge and adventure seizes you, go to Ad Astra. There the dreams are grand, the thoughts free and your companions are faithfully connected to you. You will find the elements on the streets, between the bright white houses. You feel the warmth of life on your skin and the scent of aromatic herbs rises to your nose.

You’ll hear of mysteries, of magic – all of which will appear new and wonderful. You think the goals there are too far, too high? No. You have proven more than once that the impossible is achievable.”

What is Ad Astra?

Ad Astra is a city-state in the bay of Heolysos. It is ruled by two rulers, the summer queen Banríon Yollinar ní Fhiona and the winter king, Rí Séamus O’Connor. The capital Asina is an ancient city of an ancient people. The port city of Caledh Erenn was newly built.

Ad Astra focuses on knowledge, understanding and cohesion. A central motif of the game is the acquisition and open exchange of knowledge far beyond the borders of the camp, especially for Mythodea newcomers.

The inhabitants of Ad Astra form a new community from different cultures and create their own traditions in harmony with the elements of Mitraspera. In summer a Fae, in winter a Celt rules over humans, fairies, Toria and other fantasy races from all over the world.

A thirst for knowledge and action, ambition and unity are the qualities with which each one of them will earn his or her place and position at Ad Astra:

Per Aspera, Ad Astra!


Facebook page of the quarter:

Association Facebook page:

The Mercenaries Quarter

This is the place for those whose loyalty is to the men and women at their side, with whom they fight for the coins of their clients. They expect recognition only from their peers, yet they are the most reliable fighters their clients could wish for. Their reputation has preceded them for years.

The Commissionaires keep their coffers filled, while their generals guide the fighters through the horrors of the battlefield, where they shed their blood for gold. Everyone has his place in the alliance.

The mercenary camp offers a special kind of service. We appeal to all who appreciate both the fighting spirit and the shared game beyond the turmoil of battle.

Here, even those who are not dedicated to a higher goal can become part of a unique community. Whether heavy infantry or archer, shield wall or skirmisher, healer or mage – join us!

Contact us here: Söldner-Facebook-Gruppe



The free trading town of Goldwacht is located on the coast of the northeastern bay of Heolysos. Together with the surrounding lands, it forms the state Münzquell. The population living there is characterized by diversity and united in the aspiration to live freely and self-determined on Mitraspera. Naturally, they are not averse to an appropriate level of prosperity. But those who think that you will only find merchants and sailors here are mistaken. Formed by many a stroke of fate, a relentless fighting spirit has long since been kindled in Münzquell. The ostracized must be defeated if one wants to survive in this new world. Soldiers, mercenaries and fortifications are as much a part of the city’s image as the trading houses, marketplaces and offices.

The players of Münzquell are made up of many different factions, as well as the population of Goldwacht. Whether soldiers, merchants, freebooters or those who belong to the fine arts – all together stand for the good of the community.

Nobility and citizens enjoy the same rights in Münzquell – only their own prosperity and influence determine their status.

We are always open to new concepts and ideas. Our group of players lives from diversity and the game that arises from it. Whether individual player or group, experienced larper or newcomer: everyone is welcome.
Münzquell – To golden times!


The Western Quarter

To get a ticket for the Western Quarter, you must first register with the Mythodea West Orga: Westliches Siegel – Homepage

The concept of the Western Quarter is to play out Mythodea seriously and deeply within the framework of the Western Seal. This means to present the army procession from the perspective of the Western Seal and to experience it together. It is NOT absolutely necessary that all characters in the Western Quarter also belong to a settler group from the Western area, but you have to fit into the structures and rules of the West while at the events. Furthermore, there should also be an interest in the campaign game of the west.

The Western Quarter attaches great importance to ambience when setting up camp. If you are looking for a connection to the campaign, it is a good place to make initial contacts, get to know the West and make friends. The West is the seal of Aqua. It is important to us that you are loyal to the elements and ready to go into battle against the evil second creation at the side of the Archon and the Nyame.

The Southern Quarter

Welcome to the Seal of Terra, the Golden Empire, on the southern continent of Mythodea. The empire extends from the ruins of the undead fortress of Doerchgardts in the west, to the white city of the Naldar on the coast in the east, and from the perpetual ice in the south up to Shan Meng Ray on the northern continent of Mitraspera. The most diverse groups call the Golden Empire their home. Honorable orders of knights, strong Celts, brave soldiers, proud elves, scholars, researchers, craftsmen, sailors, traders, the noble people of the Edalphi as well as the Naldar gather under the banner of the empire. They are all united by friendship, loyalty to the elements, love for the land and the common fight against the outcast. The golden empire in southern Mythodea offers all those who need it and a home, as long as they are loyal to the elements and abide by the decree of the empire. The destinies of the seal of Terra are guided by archon and nyame and their deputies. They are supported by the provincial kings, by the high offices of the south and by the captains of the empire. Since the opening of the seal, the empire has been in constant struggle with the undead flesh. The war wavered back and forth and no final victory could be achieved yet. Last year, the Skargen landed on the coasts and are now posing a new threat, which the empire must and will face together. The Golden Empire is firmly anchored in the background and the plot of Mythodea. Furthermore we attach great importance to a high standard of ambience and good roleplaying. New players and groups are welcomed just as warmly and integrated into the game according to their wishes as experienced larpers. In regular meetings the players of the Golden Empire plan and design e.g. camp setups, lighting, decorations and much more, concerning the visit and roleplay on different cons throughout the year.

“To our homeland – eternal loyalty

True Strength – Golden Empire

– Motto of the Southern Seal

As before, we are happy to integrate new player characters and game groups at the start of the new chapter of Mythodea. Those interested and newcomers are always welcome: You can expect an open, friendly collection of game groups with lovingly designed characters and people who want to engage in intensive roleplaying and immerse themselves in the fantastic world of Mythodea with you.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Just visit us in our seal forum ( or on Facebook in the group “Friends of the South Mythodea” and write to us. At a con you can of course also simply contact us directly.

We are looking forward to you!

Mythodea-South-Orga: Southern Seal – Forum

The Orc Expedition


it has taken many years to regain our strength, but now it is time: we have travelled through many countries and have heard the call of Gor even in the most distant corners! So let us take up arms!

The orcish expeditionary army needs you!

We offer you an independent ambience camp from players for players. No matter if you are an Orc, Troll or Goblin. Also non-goblinoid, shady characters are welcome here. The requirements are quite simple: You must be over 16 years of age and comply with the clothing guidelines, as we place great value on a dense atmosphere. But don’t panic, we are also happy to help you with your planned costume and character.

The OEH is still under construction, so now you have the opportunity to be part of something new and great. Your own orc camp at ConQuest! Interested? Then simply write to the OEH camp orga and find out more! We’re looking forward to seeing you and a bloody slaughter the likes Mitraspera has never seen before!

Visit us at!

Or send us an Email:

The Tross

The Tross represents the roving city and supply of the army. In their quarters the merchants and craftsmen, guilds, artists and bards of Mythodea can be found. Their beer, wine and mead are what strengthen the courage of the warriors. Their comfort, praise and mocking songs are what make the warriors and adventurers forget war for just a few hours.

Important: The registration for the Tross is only possible with restrictions. Only players who play existing institutions can register, as it is not possible to create new institutions indiscriminately due to the lack of space.

If you think that your concept is still missing in our ambient game, please contact us (

Why should I be a part of the Tross?

An army of more than 5000 people not only needs those who supply it, but also numerous opportunities to let off some steam. Because where warriors fight, battles are fought and victories are won, mead, beer and wine always flow in streams.

Craftsmen are needed to repair weapons and armor after the battle. Bath houses are needed where the warriors can relax their muscles and forget the hardships of the day. Taverns are needed in which you can wash away all the things you can’t otherwise forget.

Why do we need Merchants and Guilds?

The army of the elements is not a united and clearly structured army. While some banners and quarters of the army are provided by the forces of a single seal or special faction, there is no common supply even between them.

Therefore, merchants are needed to replace a lost or broken sword, a guard to keep order between the army camps, and a court to deal with disputes between the different parts of the army supply.

A trader does not care which market he sells his goods to, whose imposes road tolls, whose duties he pays and through whose desert his caravan travels. He sells to anyone who has enough silver or gold to buy his goods. But if there is an eternal rule of trade, then it is: War is good for business! And the larger the scale of war…

An army supply such as this one attracts countless merchants like flies. But also artisans, alchemists, bards, whores and fortune tellers of all sorts. Some may be here because they believe in the goals of the army. But all of them are united by the pursuit of wealth.

Last but not least, a large group of mercenaries is moving alongside the army. Hundreds of men and women who fight solely for hard cash. Coins they intend to spend! What better reason could there be for all those wandering artisans, merchants and… houses with special offers… than to join this army supply?