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The Adventure Begins!

You would like to participate in a LARP within the world of Mythodea and don’t know where or how to start? Here you can find tips for character creation, a handy packing list for your first event and all necessary information about the Mythodea setting.

The Equipment

In order to slip into a medieval character, one naturally needs the appropriate clothing (called garment or costume). Beginners often wear simple capes, dresses or tunics, which cost no more than 30-40 Euros. Participants with higher demands let their equipment cost a little more. There are hardly any limits to the price of metal armor, boots and splendid dresses.

Weapons, scrolls, writing materials, armor, drinking cups… Depending on the figure you represent, you can carry various garments or objects with you. However, watches and mobile phones should be avoided – just like as neon yellow shirts or sneakers – as they disrupt the ambience. This regulation increases the immersion factor many times over, as the more harmonious the surroundings are, the easier it is to forget the time and submerge oneself completely in the game.

Fights and Safety

What’s a knight without a sword? Or a medieval court without a tournament? In order to make the fight with medieval weapons as authentic and safe as possible, a live role-playing game is fought exclusively with so-called foam weapons. These weapons are upholstered with foam, covered with latex and painted in such a way that they still look almost real.

Armor, on the other hand, is often real – and should be. After all, a real chain mail hinders a fighter more than one made of wool that is painted to only look like chainmail. Therefore a grey wool jumper is only a grey wool jumper even at a live roleplaying game. Cardboard or plastic are not welcome substitutes.






Here you will find general information for preparation, including ticket purchase, character creation and also a suggested packing list.

Player- and Junior-Ticket

To participate in a Mythodea event you need a player ticket or junior ticket (7 to 13 years) from our ticket store.

Ticket prices are based on the available batch. If a batch is sold out, the price automatically changes to the next batch.

Tickets can be found on


With an NPC ticket, you can become part of the largest NPC armies in the world. Most of the rosters, actions, garb, gameplay, and game background will be dictated by the game director. You will additionally get a chance to get certain equipment cheaper.

I'm going to a LARP - Who else is coming?

Its fun on your own, yet with friends it is way more fun! Although you can also get along very well alone at our events, though many things may be easier as a group.

You can share fuel costs and a tent, prepare food together (or take turns) and have your mates with you, but also in game companions with whom you can face the dangers together.

How/Where can I connect with other LARPers?

There are LARPer meet ups in almost every German city. If there is a roleplaying game shop in your town, just ask there. Furthermore, the internet is of course the best way to find like-minded people. On our Facebook pages you can find more than 7000 LARPers from all over the world.

If you still need help, please contact our staff, they are more than happy to help!

Wait... what am I supposed to play as?

Basically everything that fits into our setting. Mythodea is a fantastic, medieval world. In the direction of early times there is actually no limit. From nomadic tribes to the Bronze Age, antiquity and Vikings, these stereotypes fit within our setting. You have to be a bit more careful the more modern the setting is. Pirate pistols are allowed in our rules, but they do not cause any damage (because we want to keep black powder and its use in the game low). Basically you can say: If the figure would fit into “Lord of the Rings”, it would also fit into the Mythodea setting.

My first LARP Character

1. Who or what would I like to play as?

First of all you have to think about what you want to play as and if you can imagine to play it over a longer period of time (a few days). Well-known characters and role models from movies or computer games are allowed as inspirations here – be it a “Witcher”, an “Elve” from Lord of the Rings, a “Skyrim” character or “Vikings” northmann, a noblewoman from “Game of Thrones” or a “World of Warcraft” lynch.

In difference to cosplay, in LARP you don’t copy a character, you just get inspired for a similar role.

This can be tricky, especially if the character is from a movie, think carefully about the everyday life in this role. Legolas always looks great when he shoots orcs, but you would have to wear make-up and elf ears around the clock and walk like a ballet dancer all the time. This can get quite exhausting with time. Also orcs are not available 24/7 as your enemy of choice.


2. Which background does my character have – What makes my idea unique?

Thousands of figures and characters can be found at our events. At the beginning it can seem very tempting to completely imitate a well-known character – but this becomes very restrictive over time and can lead to limited acceptance in the game. If every adventurer would be called “Geralt” and every lady “Mellisandre” or “Daenerys”, it would be quite boring. Think about how to change your role model to become your very own character and not a copy from a game or movie. This is, as mentioned, a difference to cosplay.

Besides an individual name, it is advisable to change the character’s story. Add a few strokes of fate, disadvantages or fears. Generally, deficits always make a character more exciting than things he or she can do perfectly. Instead of thinking “How great can I fight/do I look?”, ask yourself what your character is afraid of, what she doesn’t want to lose, what she can’t do and what dark secret nobody should find out.


3. How do I play my idea out at LARP?

Now you slowly have a rough concept of how to create your unique character, preferably with an individual name and background story. You may have a pretty accurate picture of what the character should look like.

Again, it is recommended to deviate from the original. Firstly, because an exact copy of a movie or game costume can be much more elaborate and expensive than you might want to afford. On the other hand, however, because you want to live the character not only in single scenes on a stage, but around the clock instead of just portraying it for an instant.

Instead of an original Viking replica, you can start with an off-the-peg linen shirt. Instead of original leather shoes, pretty gaiters over your old hiking boots are sufficient. And instead of a hand-embroidered silk blouse, your figure starts its first adventure in a chic, robust leather bodice or something similar. No need to go overboard.

By the way, you can basically achieve much more if you buy cheap basic parts and then modify them yourself, for example, with patches, seams and abrasion marks to “age” or make them look “used” and thus alive. LARP and crafting simply belong together.


4. How do I help others enliven my character?

Here is the main principle “You can do what you can represent” applies at all of our events.  This basically means two things for your start in LARP:

– Try to play and represent your character as convincingly as you can.
– Never expect your counterpart to perceive you the way you would like to be perceived.

It is possible to play a noblewoman in beggar’s clothing. It is not easy, but possible. It is also possible that no one will believe you are a dwarf when you are nearly two meters tall, no matter how thick and long your beard is. For a start, try to play something where you can easily convince others that this character is beliveable.

Finally, the most important thing is to react to the other players’ characters in the way you want them to meet you. If there is a brave and noble elven archer standing in front of you and speaking in a heavy dialect, it would still be great if you would accept her as the character she is trying to represent.


5. Do I actually need rules?

Here you will find the guiding rules of Mythodea and the expansion “effects”.

The rulebook is more of a guideline for your game, while we asmoothly transition to a You-Can-Do-What-You-Can-Represent (DKWDDK) game framework, which most players already play by anyway.

DKWDDK means that a spell is credibly demonstrated through props and practical effects, so the afflicted player is encouraged to play out the spell effect. DKWDDK means that if you want to endure a lot, you have to wear a lot of armor, alternatively you can represent your armor credibly in a different way or convince with nice fighting. DKWDDK means less stats, less rule foxing and more beautiful, believable game play and acting.

10 Tips for new LARPers

1. Use the community

Online you can find numerous groups or forums where LARPers exchange information. You can search for a group to connect with, which you can join on your first LARP. You can also get tips on clothing or character development, inspiration for new crafting ideas or information about events in your area.


2. LARP with friends

LARP is more fun when you LARP with friends. If you are just starting the hobby and do not know any LARPers, persuade a friend to come along. If you know LARPers, join their group. Nothing relaxes you more than seeing familiar faces at the first event. So you know who you can easily play with and who you feel comfortable with.


3. Roleplay(!)

Use your character concept to get the gameplay that suits you. If you are unsure at first and prefer to stay in the background to see LARP from the outside, play a shy character. If you like to experience adventures but don’t dare or don’t know how to do it, play a character with a big mouth that generates gameplay.


4. Try to do what is fun for you

At a LARP event there may be situations where you are asked to do something you do not want to do, maybe because you are unsure or because you do not want to be the center of attention yet. Do not stress yourself and remember that you are there to have fun. It is okay to say no, to take a break when all the excitement gets too much or to go to bed earlier than everyone else to have enough energy the next day.


5. Be proactive

Don’t wait for anything to happen to you, take action! But it doesn’t have to be anything earth-shattering at first. Just start by talking to someone and asking them about their background or profession. Such shallow conversations can lead to friendships, alliances or opportunities that will generate game play later. If you feel safe, you can also try to provoke a conflict based on something that makes your character angry. Conflict orientated play is fun and lets you play out a side of yourself that you may not know in real life.


6. Relax, leave room for improvement

You don’t have to create everything about your character and his background at your first event. The more you play the character, the more confident you feel and the more you can tell people about your character. If you feel like it, after a few events you can add funny or mysterious traits to make the game more interesting. But your first LARP is all about getting to know the hobby with a simple character.


7. Don’t forget to eat and drink water

The moment will come when the plot is so exciting or your task so urgent that you don’t have time or forget to eat. The same happens with drinking water. Often at LARP events, people celebrate in the evening and drink alcohol. Please do not forget to drink water in between. You should always have a container of water with you on the battlefield, especially in summer.


8. Ask questions

This applies both in-time and out-time. If you don’t understand what’s going on in the game, tap someone on the shoulder and ask what’s happening. If a name comes up that you don’t know, ask your fellow players who that person is. In most cases you will find someone who is willing to help you. It is always better to ask once more than not to do something and not to understand what is going on afterwards.


9. Stay immersed, stay in the game

In the beginning you may have some moments where you don’t stay in character. This is completely normal and understandable for new LARPers. Nevertheless, try to keep these moments to a minimum and try not to pull other players out of game. If you need a break, go into your tent and take it without interrupting the game of other players.


10. Play to lift

In LARP everyone has the chance to be the hero or the heroine, but this only works if you allow others to sometimes do the same. That’s why we have the principle “play to lift”, a concept where you help others be the focus of attention and make their character look good. Often, this generates better play if you let someone else take the stage and give him or her a nice moment. Also, “play to lift” is a good way for beginners to react to other players and get involved without having to be too extroverted.


11. Extra: Invest in comfortable, durable shoes

This tip is not necessary for your first event, but becomes important if you plan to continue to pursue LARP. You spend a lot of time in your in game shoes, walking through mud, hiking up and down hills and possibly going into battle. Good footwear, which is ideally waterproof, suitable for in-time use and fits well around the ankle, is worth its weight in gold.

Packinglist example

In-Time equipment

  • Comfortable costume
  • Armor / battle gear
  • Cape
  • Light outfit for going to the showers
  • Foam weapons
  • In-Time water container
  • In-Time cup, bowl und cuttlery 


Out-Time clothing

  • Outfit for departure from the event 
  • Extra socks and underwear
  • Pyjama
  • Hat (to keep your ears warm while sleeping)



  • Tent
  • Mattress / field bed or cot
  • Pillow
  • Sleeping bag and blankets (better to pack extras)
  • Flashlight
  • Food and Drink (don’t forget to bring water)
  • Seating
  • Garbage bags



  • Soap and shampoo
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Deodorant
  • Female specific hygiene products
  • Disinfectant
  • Role of toiletpaper
  • Wet wipes / Make-up removing wipes (to clean off warpaint)
  • Towel



  • Sewing kit / Tools for costume repair
  • Suncream
  • Make-up (for elves or warpaint)
  • Mirror
  • Cash
  • Earplugs
  • Ticket (printed pr digital)
  • ID (especially if your attending from abroad)
  • Powerbank and mobile charger
  • Medication and over the counter painkillers just in case


NPCs (non-player characters) can experience just as intense and exciting game play as (free) players. Though they  have a fixed set of rules for the appearance, behavior and history of their roles. You help the organizer to bring the intended plot to life, set the framework for the players and provide the desired atmosphere at the event. That is why we are gradually starting to call them “play-makers”. Because through their own play they make the game possible for others. For more information about the NPCs of Mythodea click here.

What is LARP?

Live Action Role Play, or LARP, is an interactive role-playing game characterized by improvisation, acting and ingenuity. The game unfolds when you, the player, make decisions and your efforts either succeed or fail. Immerse yourself in a setting and experience a story as one of its characters. Here you can find more information about what LARP is and how it works.

Rules and Guidelines

Like every game, LARP has rules by which it is played. These rules ensure that the game is fair for everyone. Understanding the rules of a setting and applying the flexibility of these rules can provide new and exciting ways to interact with the world. Here you can find the guiding set of rules for Mythodea events as well as the guidelines we use to design our games.


IT has to do with computers and LPs are for music, right? Not in the world of LARP. To make sure that you understand LARP-specific words and phrases and thus can follow every conversation at a con, we provide you with a LARP dictionary, where you can find explanations of the most frequently used terms in- and out-of-game. You can find the LARP dictionary here.